Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Middle Grade / MSWL Paragraphs / Nonfiction / Romance / Suspense / Young Adult

Tamar Rydzinski, Laura Dail Literary Agency, Inc.

The most important thing for me when reading a manuscript is connecting to the protagonist, and I find myself connecting to characters who know (or learn) their self worth. If there’s a relationship, I want the people in the relationship to respect each other. This applies to all the manuscripts I seek to represent, whether adult or children’s. I am open to reading anything middle grade or above, except for prescriptive nonfiction. I’m probably not the right agent for humor either, though I love books that are humorous. I love interesting settings. I love books that make me think about a topic in a completely new way. Finally, I love books that are epic — epic love, epic adventure, epic failure, epic after school job, epic sibling rivalry, etc. If you can make the mundane epic, that’s amazing.

Submissions email: queries at ldlainc dot com

Twitter: @trydzinski

See all of Tamar’s #MSWL tweets here.