Welcome! To get the basics, to go to the #MSWL page.

Here are answers to the most common questions:


1) What is #MSWL? 

#MSWL is the Twitter version of Manuscript Wish List™. It’s a place for agents and editors to post what they wish they had in their inbox–even if they haven’t sold/purchased something like it before. Agents and editors have many interests–often not yet represented in their Publishers Marketplace deals.

#MSWL and Manuscript Wish List™ are designed to help compatible parties find each other.


2) Can I pitch on #MSWL? 

Please do not pitch on #MSWL. It fills up the feed, and may keep other writers from finding a compatible agent or editor.

If too many agents/editors are bombarded by Twitter pitches, they may stop using the tag, which would be unfortunate for everyone.


3) But I REALLY want to pitch on #MSWL. 

Please see the following Public Service Announcement from The Partnership for a Pitch-free #MSWL:



4) You can’t stop me.

That’s true. But other writers–and, perhaps more importantly, agents–will block you, which is exactly what you do NOT want when pitching. And, if you’re blocked enough times, Twitter may suspend your account.


5) How do I find agents/editors on #MSWL who are a good fit for me? 

Please visit the #MSWL Search Page.


6) If I find someone who’s a good fit, what next? 

Continue your research. Go to that agent (or editor)’s site, look up his or her submissions instructions, and follow them. Even if you find them on #MSWL, pitch traditionally.

It’s to your benefit to quote the #MSWL or Manuscript Wish List line that made you think s/he is a good fit. It shows you’ve done your research, and that you’re sending something tailored.


7) Are ALL of the agents and editors on #MSWL reputable? Is everything on #MSWL true?

We can’t control who posts on #MSWL–and even if we could, well, we aren’t middle school–we won’t tell anyone they can’t sit (or tweet) with us unless they are making things harder for others (and, for example, pitching).

It’s always wise–both to improve your odds and to ensure you’re starting a relationship with someone who is a good fit–to do your research. Look them up on Preditors & Editors, Absolute Write, and Publishers Marketplace. Ask to speak with current clients/writers published by that company. It is ALWAYS to your benefit to do research. 


More questions? Ask! 


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